Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekly Update 4-14-08

I'm not sure how possible this will be - but I'm going to try and do a weekly update of our activities to keep everyone up-to-date with us. I doubt we'll post pictures every week, but this should help keep everyone notified of what we are up to . . . especially since we stink at keeping in touch!

This week Nathan is back in Montana, he left at 5 am this morning. Not the greatest Anniversary we'll have - but we know we've got plenty more to come and we celebrate our marriage every day - so we don't need one special day to remember how lucky we are to have each other.

(Happy Anniversary Sweetie! 8 Years . . . yes, hard to believe!)

Last week Nathan was in Missouri for part of the week. Did you know that you can't fly into Jefferson City? (The capital of Missouri for all you geographically challenged.) We find it odd that a capital city wouldn't have better access . . .

The kids are doing well. Alexander had another mystery fever over the weekend. Got as high as 103 degrees - but no other symptoms and was a crazy happy boy the rest of the time. Nate took the kids to Gorga Monkey's to jump around while I cleaned the house. It was the first time that as Veronica ate lunch, she announced that she was tired and went ON HER OWN to take a nap!! Worth every penny. Our landlord plans to put the house up for sale this week - so I want to have the house as clean as possible for people to walk through.

We had a date night Saturday to have a mini-celebration of our anniversary and we hired babysitter extraordinaire Megan. How did we get so lucky? The kids love her, she loves the dog and SHE CLEANS while she babysits. We discovered a great Thai & Sushi place here.

We got Veronica registered for Kindergarten a few weeks ago and her school year officially ends May 22 with a Pre-Kindergarten graduation ceremony. We'll feed and house anyone who want to come watch me get all teary-eyed.

Wine recommendation of the week: Discovered a GREAT Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Oregon). YUM. Of course I can't remember the name, will look when I get home and amend this post later.

Job going well - very busy, want to be organized faster so I can do more - but have to reel myself in and remember that I am only human.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Jen said...

She'll go to Cheatham Hill Elementary - right behind our house. That is the house that we can't move back into yet because the renters "are thinking" about when they'll need to move. We have asked them to break the lease and move by the end of June. (We didn't put an escape clause in the lease for us - doh.)