Sunday, April 06, 2008

Happy Easter 2008

It was a good Easter this year - not nearly the snow we had last year, though it did turn a bit chilly (flurries were saved for a couple days later if I recall . . . just wrong for Georgia). Really disappointed in ourselves - can you believe we ran out of time to color eggs with the kids? First year without colored eggs, let alone an egg hunt!

It's been a pretty busy period since the last post - pretty much as soon we finished the Easter festivities, we packed up and drove to Virginia to see Melody's play, visit the cousins (Hosanna, Natalia, and Nicholas) and old neighbors (Jordan and Aaron) - very good visit. And the kids were actually pretty super! We are still trying to get them back on schedule. We only wish we had more time to spend with everyone. It felt like a very rushed visit, but we really enjoyed getting to see everyone that we could squeeze in!

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