Friday, June 20, 2008

Weekly Update 6-20-08

What a great week.

My niece Tiffany arrived on Tuesday evening to spend a few weeks with us. I was hoping to line up a neat internship for her doing something with graphic arts, but all my leads fizzled out. So she's doing some general administrative work for my office and will be babysitting. It's been neat having her here and it's nice to get to know her all over again. I haven't spent any appreciable time with her since she was about 7 years old. I'll get the link for her artwork she has posted on DeviantArt - she's really talented.

I gave a presentation to our Board of Directors on Thursday and got approval to add some much-needed technology to our office. Yay!

The kids are doing well - but the summer seems like it's zipping by so fast! We plan to do some fun things over the next few weeks while Tiffany is in town, so it should make for some good photo ops.

1 comment:

momnpop said...

Have I told you how much I am enjoying your blog? Well, I am. It is such a neat way to keep up with all of you. Keep at it!