Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekly Update 5-19-08

I don't understand how I am so much more tired after a weekend, than at the end of the work week!

Last week was more of the same - nothing really exciting happening. Nate in Montana and me keeping everything in check here in GA. The weekend was busy though - lots and lots of errands. We started it off with a fund raiser pancake breakfast at Cheatham Hill Elementary School (CHES) - where Veronica will be going to Kindergarten next year. We ran into some neighbors from Lakefield Manor and even saw one of Veronica's current classmates who has siblings at CHES. I don't think she will have any trouble adapting to the new school.

We also had Ballet recital photos taken on Saturday. I didn't get nearly as misty-eyed this year. There is just something about the first time you see your little girl in a tu-tu.

Nathan & I have learned that our renters plan to stay in the house until the end of the lease - much to our dismay and frustration - and even after we made them a very attractive offer to move early. So we won't be moving into our house until the end of August/beginning of September.

Next week we should have a more exciting update - as Melody will be coming to visit. And yes, we'll get some photos up soon.

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