Happy birthday to YOU,
Happy BIRTHday dear JE-N-N-N(y),
She really did try to sing. I think the first pass, mommy was too busy trying to coax her to talk that she didn't hear Veronica sing to her. Veronica took off with the headset from the office as if she knew she had to wish her mommy a happy birthday. (The parenthetical (y) is for Jen's sisters, who still often lapse into Jennyisms.)
I tried to get video of her dancing with her Aunt Julie's Raggedy Anne to the Cookie Monster singing ,"C is for Cookie." But, just like in nature when you are trying to witness some bizarre blue moon event, she wouldn't do it after I ran to get the camera.
Pardon the mess in the picture. If you haven't heard, we are packing up and heading back to the DC area. This Marietta Roots site will soon become a happy era that we'll be looking back upon with wistfulness, but looking forward to coming as close as we can to finding friends that remind us of the great ones that we have left in Georgia. Of course, we are hoping that our Georgia friends will come visit us. Expect to see all sorts of tourism promos about the benefits of visiting the nation's capital - the free museums of the Smithsonian, the free National Zoo, the Spy Museum, White House, all the monuments of Washington. And of course, the primary attraction for must visitors will be to pay homage to Princess Veronica.
But I digress. Happy Birthday, Jen! Your husband and daughter and dog and cat fall to pieces when you are gone, especially when they try to celebrate your birthday over the phone!