Thursday, December 22, 2005
New Blog - Virginia Roots
Much love and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
The Root Family
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Happy birthday to YOU,
Happy BIRTHday dear JE-N-N-N(y),
She really did try to sing. I think the first pass, mommy was too busy trying to coax her to talk that she didn't hear Veronica sing to her. Veronica took off with the headset from the office as if she knew she had to wish her mommy a happy birthday. (The parenthetical (y) is for Jen's sisters, who still often lapse into Jennyisms.)
I tried to get video of her dancing with her Aunt Julie's Raggedy Anne to the Cookie Monster singing ,"C is for Cookie." But, just like in nature when you are trying to witness some bizarre blue moon event, she wouldn't do it after I ran to get the camera.
Pardon the mess in the picture. If you haven't heard, we are packing up and heading back to the DC area. This Marietta Roots site will soon become a happy era that we'll be looking back upon with wistfulness, but looking forward to coming as close as we can to finding friends that remind us of the great ones that we have left in Georgia. Of course, we are hoping that our Georgia friends will come visit us. Expect to see all sorts of tourism promos about the benefits of visiting the nation's capital - the free museums of the Smithsonian, the free National Zoo, the Spy Museum, White House, all the monuments of Washington. And of course, the primary attraction for must visitors will be to pay homage to Princess Veronica.
But I digress. Happy Birthday, Jen! Your husband and daughter and dog and cat fall to pieces when you are gone, especially when they try to celebrate your birthday over the phone!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Trick or Treat!

Her Own Little World, Filled with Candy....and "Choc-O-Late"

Now That's Cute
Taunting the Pumpkin

This Pumpkin!

Gittyup and Yee-Haw!

Wassup, Bah-h-h?

This is the part of parenthood that teaches you to appreciate the "hardships" that I grew up with as a thankless welp in what I thought at the time was the backwoods of Vermont with too many stinky animals that had to be fed and watered every freakin' morning at five o'clock. This was Veronica's first "up and close" with a few of the animals her daddy had around...not at Veronica's age, but at an age we're not really looking forward to dealing with...the teenage years! Anyway, I digress. She thought lambs were supposed to be more lively. She wasn't so impressed with this one, though she did enjoy petting and hitting it. This was from the day before Halloween when we took Veronica to a farm out in Canton that had lots of pumpkins. The "petting zoo" and the pony ride were a bonus.
Straight Jacket

Jen's Pumpkin

Jack O'Lantern - Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 22, 2005
Very Sweet
All American Cutie
Up on the counter again
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hunchback Darling

Thought you would enjoy this - appropriate for the time of year. Jen was talking to her sister Diane the other night while Veronica harassed her daddy with new clothes Diane sent. She brought each article of clothing to daddy to tie around her shoulders like a multilayered cape. Ain't she cute?
I forget what she was in the middle of saying...could have been "cheeze!" or "scarey!" (A lot of things have suddenly become scarey, like camera flashes, scuba divers, screwdrivers, etc.) All you longtime parents out there will be happy to know she has also just started the "I don't like it" stage...regardless of whether she's tasted it yet or not. As long as she stays cute... ug.
We are getting excited about spending Halloween with her. Jen's embarked upon ambitious plans ... she actually found material to make a costume. If you are in the family and know of her costuming experience (something about a Tigger suit), you know this will be fun. It will be even more fun because she's not subjecting her little baby to the costume, she's subjecting her big baby to it. Daddy will be some kind of Frankenstein Sully from Monsters, Inc. ;) We have all the faith in the world that the father-daughter team will be beyond adorable.
Monday, October 03, 2005

Mommy took Veronica in the outdoor waterfall steps...she kept crying for "my piggies, my piggies!" Until mommy relented and took her for a stroll down the steps. We are not sure, but we think it was a pretty neat representation of the Trail of Tears - we were a little too distracted to make sure Veronica didn't run off in the water or slip down the steps. Of course, the birthday boy was a bit too busy carting the stroller down the dry steps alongside the water steps and trying to set up for a shot at a decent picture. This one didn't turn out so bad...
It was a beautiful day in the really pretty, charming little city of Chattanooga. (We debated its city status, but with Nathan growing up in Vermont and his experience with Burlington as the state's largest city, it wasn't much of an argument to make Chattanooga a city.) Looks like a great place to visit at greater leisure with family.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!

The real treat was on Sunday when we day tripped to Chattanooga for the acquarium. What a fun time. Here's Veronica in one of the aquariums - this one with some massive King Crabs. Is it wrong to get hungry for seafood at the aquarium?
Monday, September 26, 2005

Would you believe she's actually saying, "cheese!" ?
One of the more recent mornings when she woke up not very happy and quite clingy. She had to take her special seat and watch mommy make breakfast. She's a pistol.
Anyway, come see us soon. If you want to drop a comment to any of these posts, sorry for the "word fill in." Some dufus left an advert for a stupid site on one of the more recent posts.
Warts 'n All
Just to prove to you that daddy isn't overly bashful about his scruffy appearance on the weekends. It's easy when I know where the eyes are really drawn to. There I am with my Montana tee-shirt...I'm actually posting this from my room in Montgomery, Alabama, and getting ready to hop a flight tomorrow to visit Montana for a couple days.

If you can't tell, or haven't noticed, we have been long overdue in updating this site. Seemed at first there was someone's thunder we didn't want to steal...can't remember, cuz soon enough, it no longer felt appropriate to celebrate the wonders of our life in the face of Katrina and Rita and others. It all adds up to sloth and entropy, my twin demons.
Anway, if you didn't know, stickers are in with 2-year olds. We succumbed to no longer using stickers just for potty training rewards...they are useful to fend off the little beast when we need to make dinner, wash dishes, or work in general. That, and they are also preferable to her other addiction of the (whose idea was it to get her princess band-aids, and pooh band-aids, and blues clues band-aids?). Eesh.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005

This is the courtyard at the San Xavier Mission just outside Tucson. Beautiful old mission presently undergoing renovation. It was actually interesting to see the damage caused by the great number of birds over the years that nested in the various Saints and such. Missions are neat though. Let's see - I am home in Georgia now, and Veronica's latest addition to vocabulary is "My" it's My Evan this, or My Elmo, My whatever. Cute. :)

I just got back from Tucson, AZ where I attended the AAMVA Region IV Conference (see if you don't know what an AAMVA is). Great meeting, beautiful area - it was really nice to see so many old friends I have not seen in years. It's also nice to see such a large gathering of civil servants who actually have a passion about their job and doing things better. Commiseration is always good, but so is problem solving. Anyway - Tucson was a little hot...I guess it got up around 110F each day I was there, but it's a dry heat. :) (It really does make a difference...but so does air conditioning.)

Thursday, June 23, 2005
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Veronica and mommy enjoying banana dreamcicles on a beautifal Marietta father's day weekend. Yes, you can actually tell that the grass is growing out beyond the sod! I understand our nextdoor neighbor's son cut our back lawn for us on Monday...can't wait to see how it looks. :) Actually, by the time I see it again, I won't know the difference...which is probably a way.